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Surge of Violence Demands Almost 100 Deaths in Iraq

Didn’t Bush say the troops are winning? BAGHDAD, September 30 – There has been a renewed surge in violence throughout Iraq which took a toll of almost 100 deaths. Today

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Withdrawal of U.S. Troops Depends on Iraq’s Political Progress

Not a reassuring message WASHINGTON, September 29 – General George Casey was called to the Capitol yesterday by President Bush to brief the members of Congress on the progress that

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Bill Frist: Fraudulent Republican Senate Majority Leader?

Bill Frist, a name you are likely to recognize as he has a pretty strong position in the Senate for the Republicans. He was in the news for defying strategies

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Al-Qaeda No.2 Leader in Iraq Killed During Raid

Forces claim “painful blow” to insurgents BAGHDAD, September 27 – The U.S. and Iraqi troops are claiming to have killed the no.2 leader of the Al-Qaeda network in Iraq. The

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Anti-War Rally Washington Draws Huge Audience

Can’t say the same for the opposing rally WASHINGTON, September 26 – The anti-war rally in Washington on Saturday was a big success. At least 100,000 people came to oppose

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Suicide Bomber Kills Ten Elite Iraqi Commandos

Retaliation for earlier assault? BAGHDAD, September 25 – An already startling morning resulted in a bomb attack on a busy highway in Baghdad. In this insurgent attack at least ten

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Bush’s Next Nominee Will Face a Tougher Senate

Even Republicans will be strict WASHINGTON, September 24 – It looks as though President Bush has to be really sure about the second nominee for the Supreme Court because this

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Iraqi Insurgents Myth Busted

Yet another lie revealed WASHINGTON, September 23 – The Washington-based think tank Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) has revealed that the U.S. and Iraq government are false in stating

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Senate Judiciary Committee Backs Roberts

Confirmation on schedule WASHINGTON, September 22 – The Senate Judiciary Committee has voted in favor of John Roberts’ nomination for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The votes were divided

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UK Tries to Downplay the Basra Incident

Learning from Bush? BAGHDAD, September 21 – It was almost ridiculous to see the poor attempts to sweet talk what took place in Basra on Monday. Defence Secretary John Reid

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