by Writer Team | November 4, 2005 2:00 pm
MAR DEL PLATA, November 4 – As President Bush arrived in Argentina late Thursday night thousands of people came to protest his presence. Bush is in Mar del Plata for the annual Summit of Americas in which 34 nations come together to discuss improving the economy and overall well-being of the countries.
Bush was welcomed by Argentina’s president, Nestor Kirchner. Kirchner stated that Bush’s presence would benefit constructive solutions for the problems that are rising in many of the South American countries. Poverty is extremely high in many countries and the economies are suffering just as the rest of the world.
Venezuela’s president Hugo Chavez also attends this summit, but it seems as though his only goal is to embarrass George W. Bush and shoot down every project he initiates. Current hot topic is the Free Trade Area of Americas accord which is supposed to stimulate economical growth, many South American countries oppose to this accord, such as Brazil, Argentina and of course Venezuela. Chavez made no secret of his agenda as he clearly stated “I’m here to bury the F.T.A.A.” and adding “I brought my shovel”. The U.S. government is often accused of trying to assassinate Chavez and possibly invade his oil-rich country. The White House strategy currently is simply to ignore any statements by the Venezuelan government.
Bush was also asked about tricky matters as the CIA leak case and Karl Rove, he refused to say anything about them. He clearly noted that he was disappointed that the confirmation hearings of Samuel Alito were scheduled for January after continuing pressure from the White House to get it done before Christmas. No Christmas present for Bush this year!
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