by Writer Team | July 18, 2005 11:22 am
Nomination could be announced in the next few days
WASHINGTON, July 18 – Republican strategists have released information that Bush has narrowed down the candidates for the Supreme Court vacancy and he could be announcing the final pick this week. The announcement was expected at the end of the month but the White House has informed allies over the weekend to be ready for an announcement this week.
Bush accelerated his search for a replacement after chief justice Rehnquist announced he has no reason to retire at the moment. Knowing he has only one spot to fill, that of Sandra Day O’Connor, Bush can now weigh in all the factors to this decision. The First Lady publicly stated that her husband should pick a woman for the vacancy, seeing it’s also a woman retiring. Advisers say the focus has indeed been targeted at women, but he has also considered several African Americans and Hispanics. Rumors have spread that he may appoint his longtime friend, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.
Since the resignation by judge O’Connor on July 1st Bush has had a lot of unwanted advises by officials, some suggest he should appoint a Politician, pointing back to the era of chief justice Earl Warren, others suggest he should appoint someone who will be supported by the Democrats as well as the Republicans since the country has long been divided and should now be brought together.
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